
Bringing the Body Together to Build Genuine Relationships



Sunday Care Teams

The welcoming smiles that reflect our love for Jesus, each other, and our guests begin with our various Care Teams. Hospitality in the Taylor Family Hall , Ushers in the Sanctuary, Greeters at our doors, Safety around campus, the Welcome Kiosk and Parking all contribute to putting everyone at ease on our campus. Contact: The leads of each area team.

  • Friendly smile, answer questions and give directions – That is what the Connect Kiosk team does every Sunday morning. If this describes something you could do once a month before/after our worship services, please contact: Donna Elliott

  • Friendly smile, warm “Hello”, and opening doors – That is what Greeters do every Sunday morning. If this describes something you could do once a month before one of our worship services, please contact: Sandy Sparks

  • Friendly smile, warm “Hello”, passing bulletins, and collecting offerings – That is what Ushers do every Sunday morning. Ushers must be church members and have a background check. If this describes something you could do once a month before/during one of our worship services, please contact: Mike Barnes

  • Friendly smile, warm “Hello and welcome”, get information/give a gift, check attendance – That is what is done at the Welcome Kiosk every Sunday morning. If this describes something you could do once a month before/after one of our worship services, please contact: Gabi Williams

  • Preparing coffee, setting out food, cleaning up from our fellowship time in the Taylor Family Hall - That is what our Hospitality Team does each week. If this sounds like something you could do once a month, please contact: Karen Piccinini

  • Our communion steward prepares the communion elements. Assistants before and after the service are needed. If you would be willing to help approximately once a month, please contact: Karen Piccinini

  • The Safety Team helps take care of our flock by keeping a safer environment for our congregation and guests and recommends security updates for the entire church campus and the ministries that occur on our campus, both on Sundays and on weekdays. Safety Team members must be church members and have a background check. Contact: Mike Barnes

Get Connected

A class offered periodically for those interested in becoming members of Belle Isle Community Church. The classes offer a biblical understanding of functioning church membership, with BICC ministry overviews and opportunity to meet the staff and leadership.  

Contact: Charlie & Peggy Myers

Tuesday Fundays **

An opportunity for preschool and elementary aged friends to enjoy planned fun activities, playing and getting to know each other better on specific days in June, July and August. There are fees/tuition for Fundays; kids must bring an adult to participate.

Contact: Sondra Lehr

**Child Protection Policy Info

Friendship Club

For our Seniors 55+, a time of fellowship, fun, and food, meeting at 10:30am the 2nd Thursday alternating months, September through May, in the Taylor Family Hall. Programs offer varying topics of interest, inspiration and entertainment.  

Contact: Sara Reed

Seniors on the Go

The second Thursday of each month, alternating with Friendship Club, the Senior Adults board a bus for a day trip adventure together. Fun, fellowship, and food fill each trip. 

Contact: John Frey

Care and Share (Single Ladies Lunch Bunch)

Single ladies in the church are invited to lunch after worship service the second Sunday of each month at a preselected nearby restaurant. The ladies enjoy fellowship while offering support and encouragement to each other.

Contact: Ginger Bentz

Military LifeLine

Military LifeLine supports our BICC family members serving active duty in the military. Whether near or far, this ministry is keeping our service families connected with their BICC family in various ways. A list of our active military families is available in the Information Wall Rack.

Contact: Marsha Ferguson

At-Home Congregation

A team makes phone calls, sends cards, and visits the members of our congregation that have difficulty making it to church for worship and fellowship activity. These bright rays of ‘sonshine’ are a blessing to this often-forgotten part of our church family.  

Contact: Sharon Gibboney

Hanging of the Greens

Church wide preparation/decorating for the Advent Season and Christmas.  

Contact: Robbie Ford or Karen Williams

Social-Media and Web content support 

Keeping the church family connected to each other and the community through social media and the web. 

Contact: Emily Goodenow